Police in North Arlington apprehended a local man who allegedly killed his wife. The domestic violence homicide has garnered a lot of news in recent days because it is the first homicide to occur in North Arlington in more than 24 years.
The North Arlington Police Department became aware of the situation after receiving a call from employees at 28K Garden Terrace in the Riverview Garden Apartments. Workers at the apartment complex, which is located near Ridge Road in North Arlington, contacted police and asked officers to conduct a welfare check on the victim. The call was placed shortly after 12:00 p.m.
When North Arlington police officers got to the apartment, they found the body of the 47-year-old victim. At the time that police came across the victim’s body, it appeared that she had already been dead for at least one day.
The 45-year-old suspect, who was married to the victim, was placed under arrest at the scene. He has been charged with first degree murder for the domestic violence homicide. Additionally, the suspect has been charged with weapons offenses, including unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose.
At this time, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office and the North Arlington Police Department are conducting a joint investigation into the homicide.
While the investigation continues, the suspect is being held at the Bergen County Jail in Hackensack, NJ. His initial bail amount was set at $2 million, with no 10-percent cash option.
North Arlington NJ Domestic Violence Charges
For additional information about this case, read the NJ.com article, “Husband Charged with Murder after Wife’s Body Found in North Arlington.”